Monthly Archives: August 2024

Cast All Your Cares

Hold your arms straight out—in front of you or to the side, it doesn’t matter. Easy, right? Now leave them there until you finish reading this devotion. Have you ever said, “It’s no big deal”, “That was a long time … Continue reading

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Daily Reliance on God

God delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt with miraculous plagues, parted the Red Sea so they could escape Pharoah and his army, led the Israelites with a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at … Continue reading

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The book of Exodus is full of familiar stories, including the story of Moses, the plagues of Egypt, the Passover, parting of the Red Sea, Mount Sinai, the Ten Commandments, and the golden calf. The major event in Exodus is … Continue reading

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