Category Archives: Miscellaneous thoughts
The Worst Day of the Year
It’s that time of year again. My least—and when I say least I mean exponentially worse than sitting at home alone all day on a major holiday—favorite day of the year. Spring forward can suck it as far as I’m … Continue reading
Don’t be Lured in by an Extra Hour of Sleep
“Let’s make fall back and spring forward ‘at one time.’ At one time we changed our clocks twice a year.” This weekend brings us the worst day of the year. Fall back. Ugh! This means it’s time for my semi-annual … Continue reading
My nest is empty so I replenished
Honestly, I thought about doing it several months ago but didn’t. Still, it felt like an impulse purchase. Or more accurately, an impulse adoption. Yes, the Bush family expanded by two last week. Two was never in my thoughts. That … Continue reading
Book Launch, Cold Weather, and the Election
Note: The following article was first published in the Harvey County Independent on October 29, 2020. This is the seventh and final article in the series. If you haven’t read the previous articles and want to start with the first, … Continue reading
A phone call changed my Labor Day Weekend plans
This year has required a lot of flexibility. And let’s be honest, most of the changes have created anxiety. I don’t know about you, but most of the news I’ve received this year has been bad. I’ve had little to … Continue reading
Be careful, not fearful
The average age of death from COVID-19 in Kansas is 79. Ninety-one percent of deaths (381) have been age 65 and older. Zero deaths have been reported under the age of 18. I repeat—zero. Continue reading
Duh! Read more than the headline!
I came across a headline on Facebook announcing that Chuck Norris had died from COVID-19 at the age of 80. I read the short online story. Several sentences spelled out his storied career in martial arts, movies and television. Then, … Continue reading
Dear NFL
Dear NFL, Ours has been a simple relationship that flourished in spite of any differences we may have had. I didn’t care about your political or religious views and you didn’t care about mine. I’ve respected your consistency in avoiding … Continue reading
My First Kill
I killed my first snake today. I’ve seen a few snakes in my life but I’ve never been close enough for long enough to kill one. But today was different. Today, that angry, vicious seed of Satan didn’t give me … Continue reading
Old Friends / New Love
I graduated high school in a class of forty-four students from Yates Center High School. Each year during Memorial Day weekend, Yates Center hosts their version of Old Settlers. One of the things I enjoy most about Yates Center Days … Continue reading