Day One.
In April, 2013, I had written very little. An occasional poem and a couple of stories when I was a teenager. But lying dormant in the back of my mind was a dream.
For decades I had wanted to write a book. It was on my bucket list – that unwritten list of things I thought would be neat to do but never expected to happen. What I didn’t know was my seemingly tame dream was fighting to escape and about to get a break.
The Harvey County Independent advertised for someone to write a column in their newspaper. I always had ideas going through my mind so I wrote a column and sent it in. My writing was well received and since then I’ve written dozens of columns for the newspaper. That was Day One of my newspaper writing experience.
Writing for the newspaper got my juices flowing so I started doing some research on writing a book. I came across the website (National Novel Writing Month) and decided to take the challenge of writing a novel in thirty days.
November 1, 2013 was my Day One for writing novels. I wrote my first novel that month. Since then I’ve written three more novels as part of a series. I’ve also done countless rewrites trying to get them presentable to an agent, publisher, and eventually the public.
A few weeks ago I experienced Day One of writing flash fiction. I’ve written a few more since then and am working on improving my craft. I hope to continue writing lots of flash fiction and short stories in addition to writing novels.
On each of those days I had no idea what they would lead to. In truth, they are still playing out and I’m trying to appreciate the journey.
Another Day One has arrived, this time for the beginning of my author website. I would like to relax, have a drink, and ponder where this journey will lead. However, I have a lot of work to do to prepare for Day Two.
Maybe I’ll have that drink on Day One Thousand.
This is Awesome! God bless you everyday.
Thank you Lana! God bless you and your family! Tell them hi!