Category Archives: Devotional
Is there proof that Jesus is the Messiah promised by God? “The LORD says to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” – Psalm 110:1 Did you know that Psalm 110 is quoted … Continue reading
Pandemic Devotionals
When the pandemic and shut down hit the world, every aspect of our lives changed. An alternate reality became our norm, and each person was faced with unprecedented choices. Pandemic Devotionals is an anthology of stories collected during the 2020 … Continue reading
Shine Jesus Shine
Recently I listened to an old worship CD (that’s a compact disc for the younger generation) and heard the song, Shine Jesus Shine. As I sang along, I couldn’t help but think about the state of our country. We are … Continue reading
The Storm and its Purpose
I recently woke in the middle of the night for my regular visit to the restroom. Before I drifted back to sleep, I heard light hail then strong rains. The storm didn’t last long; finished before I returned to my … Continue reading