Note: The following article was first published in the Harvey County Independent on February 21, 2019.
This is the second article in the series. If you haven’t read the first article and want to start with it, click here.
I recently gave my first interview as a candidate for the U.S. Senate. Although it has not yet aired on the major networks, I have permission from the interviewer to share a portion of it with you.

Interviewer: You recently announced your candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Pat Roberts. How has the response been?
Me: Although a number of people have told me I had their votes, the excitement began two weeks ago when Richard Edwards said in his letter to the editor, and I quote, “I’ll take you for U.S. Senator over any of those sitting in the Capitol.”
That was almost a public endorsement—enough so that I soon had several friends afterwards publicly endorse me on Facebook.
The votes are adding up and my campaign is rapidly gaining momentum. I can honestly say that I can see a situation where my popularity spikes such that other potential candidates realize they waited too long to enter the race and I end up running unopposed.
Interviewer: That’s astonishing!
Me: I know. It’s hard to get your mind around, but that’s how quickly Bush mania is swelling.
You know what’s ironic? For 20 years I had the same name as a President—George H. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. And before that George H. Bush was Vice President for 8 years.
Since 1980 I’ve been asked, “Are you related to…”
The irony is that one day soon someone will ask former President Bush, “Are you related to Senator Bill Bush?” I would love to see his face when that happens.
Interviewer: So what do you attribute your success to?
Me: It’s simple—the power of my platform. It resonates with people and focuses on the issues they truly care about.

Interviewer: I’m glad you mentioned your platform, because one of the items is, well, rather unconventional. You promise a ban of cold weather?
Me: That’s correct. The cold and wintry weather forces many indoors, causing isolation which leads to loneliness and depression. Schools, businesses, churches and other organizations are forced to cancel activities without much notice.
And many don’t realize this, but people get disproportionately sick during cold spells. Some even die. Others experience falls or automobile accidents that result in bodily harm as well as property damage due to ice, snow, and freezing rain. Pipes freeze, power lines freeze and break. It’s like an all-out attack on our comfortable way of life.
And what about nature? The cold kills plants and animals, and ice causes tree limbs to break and fall. How can we stand by and watch such brutality? Well, I for one can no longer be silent. We have a duty to protect this Earth. It’s the only one we have, after all. Banning cold weather is the only logical and compassionate response to such horrific destruction.
Everyone complains about the cold; I’m willing to do something about it.
Interviewer: I’ve never looked at it quite that way.
Me: You know, we don’t often see what’s right in front of us.
Interview: How do you intend to enforce your ban on cold weather?
Me: I appreciate the question, and no offense, but it shows your ignorance of how our government works. Sadly, this question comes up a lot.

But I’m grateful for this national exposure and hope it expedites the process of educating the American citizenry.
As a U.S. Senator, I will be part of the Congress, which passes bills. We don’t enforce them. That will be the responsibility of the President.
Interviewer: In that case, have you spoken to the President about your bill, and has he agreed to enforce it?
Me: He is obligated to enforce it. He doesn’t get to ignore laws. Besides, once my bill passes there will be such an overwhelming amount of support across our country that he would be foolish to obstruct it.
As to your first question, no, I have not had the opportunity to visit with President Trump about my bill.
Interviewer: Do you think he will be able to enforce it?
Me: He convinced the American people to make him President, didn’t he?
Interviewer: Touché.
Read part three of this series: Big Announcement from my Campaign
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