Tag Archives: cozy mystery
Toxic Intentions (Book Trailer)
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Toxic Intentions (Halstead Mysteries Book 3)
What will be the greater challenge for Eden, working with her enemy or finding the killer? With the afterglow of having put bully Correen Grazle in her place after solving her last case, Eden Price starts looking forward to the … Continue reading
Toxic Intentions (Book Trailer)
When the Time is Right (Book Trailer)
Purchase When the Time is Right: Amazon Barnes and Noblel Vivlio Apple Kobo Thalia Read the blurb
When the Time is Right (Halstead Mysteries Book 1)
Eden didn’t peg bribery, kidnapping, and murder for summer activities For eighteen-year-old Eden, her court-mandated community service is set to be every bit as punishing as prison. Sent off to work at a pizza joint while living with her grandmother … Continue reading
One-of-a-kind event to be held in Halstead
Disappointed that Halstead’s Halloween Howl has gone virtual? Looking for an opportunity to do something fun, and a little scary, with the kids? Can you say haunted house? Saturday evening, October 24 between 6 and 8, everyone is invited to … Continue reading
Book Launch!
A phone call changed my Labor Day Weekend plans
This year has required a lot of flexibility. And let’s be honest, most of the changes have created anxiety. I don’t know about you, but most of the news I’ve received this year has been bad. I’ve had little to … Continue reading